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Quality in every teaspoon.

Proudly Canadian
Based in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, we’ve built our reputation for premium quality through a commitment to taste, purity and sustainability.
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Guaranteed Pure
Our Omega-3’s are PureCheck verified so that you can ensure quality in every product batch. Enter the lot number from the side of your bottle to check for yourself.
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We’ve always believed what is good for the planet is good for us. Learn about the many ways we support sustainability in communities across Canada.
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Quality Without Compromise
Nature's Way spends considerable resources ensuring quality is at the forefront of everything we do. It's our belief in doing the right thing.
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The importance of omega-3 in a plant-based diet.
Since vegetarians and vegans don’t consume marine products, they typically have lower levels of EPA and DHA compared to omnivores – up to 60%...
EPA & DHA - Which omega-3 is right for you?
Our bodies are marvelous machines – living factories that transform the basic elements of life into cells, tissues, muscles, bones, movement,...
Healthy Aging and Omega-3
As the saying goes – take care of your body, it’s only place you have to live! This is especially true as we age, when our metabolism slows ...
Algal vs. Flaxseed omega-3
Whether it’s yoga, exploring plant-based diets, or the growing popularity of holistic health supplements and treatments, many of us have begu...
Benefits of EPA & DHA
There are three key types of omega-3 that together deliver a range of health benefits, ranging from healthy development of children and teens...
Fatty Acids: Omega-3 Versus Omega-6
Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are both considered essential for the body, which means that they must be consumed via the diet.